Category Archives for Koma-Script
Who has experience with OS X?
Just today I read a post by Markus Kohm on, which he wrote one week ago: the work on the the English version of the KOMA-Script manual is in progress. I know that many people in the international TeX … Continue reading
KOMA-Script 3.09 released
On April 5th the version 3.09 of KOMA-Script has been released by Markus Kohm. It brings some new features: scrartcl, scrbook and scrreprt offer new commands and options for placing captions above and below figures and tables. In contrast to … Continue reading
KOMA-Script 3.08 released
Markus Kohm announced on that he just released KOMA-Script 3.08. Version 3.08 brings some new features, see 3.08 release notes (or notes on in German). You can download the new version on BerliOS. German version | auf Deutsch
KOMA-Script 3.06 released
Today Markus Kohm announced on that KOMA-Script 3.06 has been released. Beside bug fixes it brings some new features, see 3.06 release notes. You can download the new version on BerliOS. German version | auf Deutsch
KOMA-Script 3.05 released
On Feb 15th the Version 3.05 of KOMA-Script has been released by Markus Kohm. 3.04 has been the most recent release for many months and is rated as very stable by the author, but know some improvements have led to … Continue reading