Category Archives for Linux/ Ubuntu Linux
LaTeX with Linux down
The german site ist still down, since yesterday. According to the webteam it’s caused by a hardware failure. A static version of the wiki has been made available: This way support information is still available, besides search engine … Continue reading
Ubuntu 10.04 “Lucid Lynx” released
The new release of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS “Lucid Lynx” is available since yesterday. It comes with a fresh design, faster boot speed, some new features and many updates. Good news for us TeX users: the new version provides TeX … Continue reading
Ubuntu 9.10 “Karmic Koala” released
Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop, Server and Netbook editions have been released today. The new version is starting even faster than the previous one, is using the ext4 file system by default, the GNOME 2.28 desktop environment and the GRUB 2 boot … Continue reading
Ubuntu 9.10 “Karmic Koala” Release Party
Karmic Koala is coming, its release is scheduled for tomorrow, Ubuntu user groups all around the world will celebrate the release with parties, so we will do in Berlin. For the 8th time the Ubuntu-Berlin user group will give a … Continue reading
LaTeX at the Ubucon 2009
The German Ubuntu Linux User Conference “Ubucon” will be held for the third time in Göttingen, hosted by the Georg August University, October 19-22, 2009. The conference program includes three LaTeX events: LaTeX in the year 2009: talk about … Continue reading
Ubuntu Linux 8.04 LTS released
Ubuntu Linux version 8.04 (code name Hardy Heron) with Long Term Support has been released today. It brings TeXlive 2007-13, KILE 2.0 and Texmaker 1.6. It still comes with pgf/TikZ version 1.18, I recommend to install version 2.00 (2008-02-20).