Tutorials and documentation concerning mathematics with LaTeX:
- Mathmode
by Herbert Voss
Extensive collection of materials concerning mathematics with TeX and LaTeX, highly recommended - amsmath user’s guide
American Mathematical Society
Documentation for the math package - Math into LaTeX
by George Grätzer - Short Math Guide for LaTeX
by Michael Downes
concise summary of recommended features in LaTeX and extension packages for writing math formulas - Using the amsthm Package
American Mathematical Society
enhancements of the LateX theorem environment - Höhere Mathematik
chapter 8 of the german edition of the LaTeX Companion by Mittelbach, Gossens - Mathematik mit LaTeX
easy introduction by Jana Peters
Useful packages for writing mathematics:
- amsmath – the most important package for mathematics with LaTeX, fundamental for complex math documents
- amsthm – environments for theorems, definitions and proofs
- ntheorem – alternative theorem package, improved handling of endmarks
- empheq – emphasizing formulas by color, frames or symbols
- mathtools – some useful math extensions
- cancel – strikeout expressions and formulas
- amscd – commutative diagrams with amsmath
- xypic – for construction of math diagrams
Parts of this lists were translated and used here for the goLaTeX wiki. and in the TeX.SX mathmode tag wiki