Chapter 5, Creating Tables and Inserting Pictures


Lining up information using the tabbing environment

\emph{Info:} \= Software \= : \= \LaTeX \\
  \> Author \> : \> Leslie Lamport \\
  \> Website \> : \>
tabbing example
\head{Type} \= \head{Command} \= \head{Declaration} \=
Family \> \verb|\textrm{...}| \> \verb|\rmfamily|
    \> \rmfamily Example text\\

Not good yet:

tabular example
Family \= \verb|\textrm{...}| \= \head{Declaration} \= \kill\\
  \> \head{Command} \> \head{Declaration} \> \head{Example}\\
Family \> \verb|\textrm{...}| \> \verb|\rmfamily| \> \rmfamily
    Example text\\
  \> \verb|\textsf{...}| \> \verb|\sffamily| \> \sffamily
    Example text\\
  \> \verb|\texttt{...}| \> \verb|\ttfamily| \> \ttfamily
    Example text
tabular example

Creating tables

  \head{Command} & \head{Declaration} & \head{Output}\\
  \verb|\textrm| & \verb|\rmfamily| & \rmfamily Example text\\
  \verb|\textsf| & \verb|\sffamily| & \sffamily Example text\\
  \verb|\texttt| &\verb|\ttfamily| & \ttfamily Example text\\
tabular example

Horizontal alignment within cells:

  left & centered & right & a fully justified paragraph cell\\
  l & c & r & p\\
tabular example

Note: vertical lines are just for checking the alignment – generally they are not recommendable.

Vertical alignment within cells:

  baseline & aligned at the top& aligned at the middle
    & aligned at the bottom\\
tabular example
  Info: & Software & \LaTeX\\
  & Author & Leslie Lamport\\
  & Website &\\
tabular example

Nice rules with booktabs:

  \head{Command} & \head{Declaration} & \head{Output}\\
  \verb|\textrm| & \verb|\rmfamily| & \rmfamily Example text\\
  \verb|\textsf| & \verb|\sffamily| & \sffamily Example text\\
  \verb|\texttt| &\verb|\ttfamily| & \ttfamily Example text\\
tabular example

Merging cells horizontally:

  \multicolumn{2}{c}{\head{Input}} &
  \head{Command} & \head{Declaration} & \\
  \verb|\textrm| & \verb|\rmfamily| & \rmfamily Example text\\
  \verb|\textsf| & \verb|\sffamily| & \sffamily Example text\\
  \verb|\texttt| & \verb|\ttfamily| & \ttfamily Example text\\
tabular example
  l<{Example text}@{}}
  & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\head{Input}} &
  & \normal{\head{Command}} &
  \normal{\head{Declaration}} & \normal{}\\
  Family &  textrm & rmfamily & \rmfamily\\
  & textsf & sffamily & \sffamily\\
  & texttt & ttfamily & \ttfamily\\
tabular example

Merging cells vertically:

  l<{Example text}@{}}
  & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\head{Input}} &
  & \normal{\head{Command}} &
  \normal{\head{Declaration}} & \normal{}\\
  \multirow{3}{*}{Family} &  textrm & rmfamily & \rmfamily\\
  & textsf & sffamily & \sffamily\\
  & texttt & ttfamily & \ttfamily\\
tabular example
  l<{Example text}l@{}}
  & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\head{Input}}
  & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\head{Output}}\\
  & \normal{\head{Command}} & \normal{\head{Declaration}}
  & \normal{\head{Single use}} & \head{Combined}\\
  \multirow{3}{*}{Family} &  textrm & rmfamily & \rmfamily & \\
  & textsf & sffamily & \sffamily & \\
  & texttt & ttfamily & \ttfamily & \\
  \multirow{2}{1.1cm}{Weight} & textbf & bfseries & \bfseries
  & \multirow{2}{1.8cm}{\sffamily\bfseries Bold and sans-serif} \\
        & textmd & mdseries & \mdseries & \\
\multirow{4}{*}{Shape} & textit & itshape & \itshape & \\
        & textsl & slshape & \slshape &
  \multirow{2}{1.8cm}{\sffamily\slshape Slanted and sans-serif}\\
        & textsc & scshape & \scshape & \\
        & textup & upshape & \upshape & \\
Default & textnormal & normalfont & \normalfont & \\
\caption{\LaTeX\ font selection}
tabular example

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One Comment

  1. In the table “Merging cells horizontally :”
    I wanted to make a 10 column table, if I use 10 instead of 3 in the following command it gives error

    please help .

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