Checkers board with TikZ

Lukasz Lew asked on TeX.SX:

What is the best way to draw a checkers board in TikZ?

I’m interested in what is the best way to draw many circular pieces on board. The checker background is not important.


I suggest to use a matrix of nodes from the TikZ matrix library.

\tikzstyle{ball} = [circle, shading=ball,
    ball color=black!80!white, minimum size=1cm]
  \matrix (m) [matrix of nodes,nodes=ball] {
   {} &    & {} &    & {} &    & {} & \\
      & {} &    & {} &    & {} &    & {} \\
   {} &    & {} &    & {} &    & {} & \\};


Checkers board with TikZ
Stefan Kottwitz

18. August 2010 by stefan
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