TeXdoc.net got a new interface
Today, TeXdoc.net shines in new splendor.
It’s a project of Paulo Cereda and me. While I maintain the web server and the TeX installation, he contributes layout and programming for the interface. Today Paulo provided a completely new version. Together we tested and adjusted the code. What was developed on his Fedora laptop, now runs on the Debian web server, adaption went like a clockwork while skyping.
Now, TeXdoc runs on the dwoo PHP5 template engine. Something new for me after OSQA, Django, Joomla, WordPress, phpBBx, having Drupal still on the list.
What is it all about? Well, TeXdoc.net provides an interface to the current TeX documentation, understanding search keywords but also allowing topic browsing. It bases on the texdoc and texdoctk scripts which belong to a TeX Live installation. Via the server, you an access current manuals without having the newest installation or using an tablet like an iPad or a smartphone.
The main motivation was to provide a generic shortcut for web forums. By highlighting a package name, and clicking a button, you can generate a link to the package documentation. Handy while talking. It is integrated for example on LaTeX-Community.org, TeXwelt.de and goLaTeX.de by buttons and markup code but used anywhere people know the link syntax.
Finally, its OpenSearch feature integrates with the quick-search field in browsers such as Firefox.