A new community TeX blog
Again some quiet weeks on my blog. If some people would blog together, there would be active blog life even if somebody would temporarily be too busy with other things. So I liked Patricks idea very much, to set up a community blog together with some TeX friends and who ever likes to join us. I quickly set up a wordpress blog and we chose a friendly bright theme together.
It’s site for people who did not blog yet but would like to do it sometimes, or TeX users like me who blog in English but like to post in German sometimes. Yes, the starting crew is German, from the huge German speaking TeX community, Patrick, Rico, Clemens, Marco, Dominic, and me. First topics? Clever footnotes, maths, xparse, translations, minted, and planned are biblatex and pgfplots.
Curious? Have a look: TeXwelt.de