LaTeX Beginner’s Guide published

The LaTeX Beginner’s Guide has been published today. This book is a practical introduction to LaTeX with a lot of step-by-step examples. It guides the reader through typesetting with LaTeX, from installation and basic usage to text formatting and to page design, and it shows how to create and to manage complex documents with bibliographies and indexes. A reader will learn to use macros, packages, classes and templates to create professional documents.

LaTeX Beginners Guide Some of the topics of the book:

  • Install LaTeX and use the TeXworks editor to compile documents
  • Design the page layout; create dynamic headers and footers
  • Fine-tune appearances and the space of words, symbols, and lines
  • Apply intelligent justification and customized hyphenation to achieve fine text design
  • Typeset professional-looking tables and create bulleted and enumerated lists
  • Write sophisticated math formulas, from in-text expressions to complex multi-line equations with various alignments
  • Cross-reference objects such as figures, tables, and equations
  • Load fonts and vary their shape and style; choose between thousands of LaTeX symbols from specialized fonts
  • Use macros to save time and effort; load packages to extend LaTeX’s capabilities
  • Generate an index, cite books, and create bibliographies
  • Use external pictures, color, PDF bookmarks, and hyperlinks
  • Structure and manage large documents by splitting the input
  • Manage large documents containing lists, index, and bibliography

This hands-on introduction quickly leads a novice user to professional-quality results. If you are about to write mathematical or scientific papers, seminar handouts, or even plan to write a thesis, then this book is for you.

The LaTeX Beginner’s Guide is available as book and as ebook, in PDF and ePub format. It’s written by Stefan Kottwitz, and published by PACKT.

22. March 2011 by stefan
Categories: LaTeX General, News | 6 comments

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