Who has experience with OS X?

Just today I read a post by Markus Kohm on komascript.de, which he wrote one week ago: the work on the the English version of the KOMA-Script manual is in progress. I know that many people in the international TeX community are waiting for it. Some users can hardly understand the German manual while the former English translation is very outdated.

However, the good soul who is working on the translation, works on Mac OS X, and there are some problems with the make process of the KOMA-Script manual sources.

If you have experience with OS X and if you would like to help in solving technical problems, or if you know somebody who would like to help, it would be great if you would contact Markus Kohm. You could just write him an email or post a comment on komascript.de.

The KOMA-Script classes and packages are a very valuable contribution to the LaTeX software, that’s why I would appreciate any help in supporting the translation.

See also: The English guide seems to be out-dated. Is there a newer one anywhere?

17. March 2012 by stefan
Categories: Koma-Script | Leave a comment

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