New TikZ package: tikz-inet
The today released package tikz-inet extends TikZ with commands for drawing interaction nets. At least Version 2.0 of pgf/TikZ is required.
For imformation about interaction nets see “Interaction Nets” by Y.Lafont, in POPL’90, 95-108 or for example the Diploma of Simon Gay, 1991.
Here is a small code example similar to one given in the documentation:
\documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} \usepackage[fancy]{tikz-inet} \renewcommand*\inetcolor{blue!25} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \inetcell{A} \inetprombox{(A)}(pa) \inetcell[at=(bpa.east),right=5pt]{B} \inetwire(B.middle pax)(A.middle pax) \inetprombox{(bpa)(pa)(B)}(p) \inetwire(A.pal)(pa.middle pax) \inetwirefree(pa.pal) \inetwirefree(p.pal) \inetwire(B.pal)(p.middle pax) \end{tikzpicture} \end{document} |
A screenshot of the output: