Chapter 4, Creating Lists


A bulleted list

\section*{Useful packages}
LaTeX provides several packages for designing the layout:
  \item geometry
  \item typearea
  \item fancyhdr
  \item scrpage2
  \item setspace
bulleted list

Nested bulleted lists

  \item Page layout
    \item geometry
    \item typearea
  \item Headers and footers
    \item fancyhdr
    \item scrpage2
  \item Line spacing
    \item setspace
nested bulleted list

A numbered list

  \item State the paper size by an option to the document
  \item Determine the margin dimensions using one of these
    \item geometry
    \item typearea
  \item Customize header and footer by one of these packages:
    \item fancyhdr
    \item scrpage2
  \item Adjust the line spacing for the whole document
    \item by using the setspace package
    \item or by the command \verb|\linespread{factor}|
tabbing example

Compact lists

  \item State the paper size by an option to the document
  \item Determine the margin dimensions using one of these
    \item geometry
    \item typearea
  \item Customize header and footer by one of these packages:
    \item fancyhdr
    \item scrpage2
  \item Adjust the line spacing for the whole document
    \item by using the setspace package
    \item or by the command \verb|\linespread{factor}|
tabbing example

In-pragraph lists

  \item Adjust the line spacing for the whole document
    \item by using the setspace package and one of its options:
      \item singlespacing
      \item onehalfspacing
      \item double spacing
    \item or by the command \verb|\linespread{factor}|
tabbing example

Lists with customized symbols

  \item State the paper size by an option to the document
  \item Determine the margin dimensions using one of these
    \item geometry
    \item typearea
  \item Customize header and footer by one of these packages:
    \item fancyhdr
    \item scrpage2
  \item Adjust the line spacing for the whole document
    \item by using the setspace package
    \item or by the command \verb|\linespread{factor}|
tabbing example

Restarting numbering

  \item State the paper size by an option to the document
  \item Determine the margin dimensions using one of these
    \item geometry
    \item typearea
  \item Customize header and footer by one of these packages:
    \item fancyhdr
    \item scrpage2
\subsubsection*{Tweaking the line spacing:}
  \item Adjust the line spacing for the whole document
    \item by using the setspace package
    \item or by the command \verb|\linespread{factor}|
tabbing example

A definition list

  \item[paralist] provides compact lists and list versions
    that can be used within paragraphs, helps to customize
    labels and layout
  \item[enumitem] gives control over labels and lenghts in all
    kind of lists
  \item[mdwlist] is useful to customize description lists,
    it even allows multi-line labels. It features compact lists
    and the capability to suspend and resume.
  \item[desclist] offers more flexibility in definition list
  \item[multenum] produces vertical enumeration in
    multiple columns
tabbing example

Layout of lists

tabbing example

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