TeX Live and MacTeX 2011 released

TeX Live 2011 is now available online. It is a comprehensive TeX system working on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other Unix systems. It includes LaTeX and all the major TeX-related programs, macro packages, and fonts that are free software and supports many languages. TeX Live has been developed since 1996 supported by several TeX user groups.

There are some changes in the new version:

  • biber is now included, a program for bibliography processing.
  • The Mac OS X binaries now work only on Leopard or later; Panther and Tiger are no longer supported.
  • MetaPost no longer creates or uses .mem files. Needed files are read on every run.
  • updmap runs much faster now.

Also MacTeX 2011 has been published online.

TeX Live
For more information and download visit

This text is available in German. Dieser Text ist auch in Deutsch verfügbar.

20. July 2011 by stefan
Categories: LaTeX Distributions, News, TeX Live | 3 comments

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