TeX Live 2017 released
Today TeX Live 2017 has been released. Some of the changes:
- TeX Live manager (tlmgr): new shell mode, that allows scripting. Commands are like invoking tlmgr with options. For interactive use but especially useful for scripting.
- TEXMF tree structure: users can now easily add and remove additional TEXMF trees, supported by the tlmgr
- LuaTeX: more
- callbacks
- control over typesetting
- access to the internals
- XeTeX: Unicode/OpenType math is now based on HarfBuzz
- updmap and fmtutil: now requiring mode specification (system or user), to avoid accidental wrong usage
- texosquery-jre8: new cross-platform program for getting OS information within a TeX document
For download and documentation visit tug.org/texlive.
Deutsch: TeX Live 2017 erschienen.
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